By AAT Comment AAT newsAAT Annual Conference 2016 podcast14 Jun 2016 “Good morning everyone, I am Mark McBride and I am honoured and proud to be President of AAT for the next year. This is my first official event… and what an event it is.”These were the words of our new President Mark McBride, who officially opened AAT’s eighth Annual Member Conference at the Birmingham Metropole.For those of you who could not attend, we have put together insight from key note speakers, exhibitors, delegates and AAT staff members in a podcast that will educate, entertain and inspire.This podcast brings to life the atmosphere and excitement from the conference with exclusive interviews from many, including Abbas Ahmed, Online Business Development Manager at Sage One, Gary Turner, Managing Director at Xero UK, and Darren Nicholls, AAT Product Manager for Informi – a new platform aimed at directly engaging with small businesses.In the coming weeks we will upload full versions of the speeches and sessions from Xero, Sage, Michael Steed, Steve Collings and others so please stay tuned.We will also be releasing video interviews from the conference, where we put your questions to HMRC about their bold vision to make tax digital by 2020 as well as talking to industry experts such as FA Simms and Mark Lee. AAT Comment offers news and opinion on the world of business and finance from the Association of Accounting Technicians.