Unlocking the potential of Apprenticeships: Step 2 – free help from AATBy AAT CommentApprenticeships21 Jul 2023 AAT can supercharge the start of your apprenticeship programme with free advice and guidance.Once you have decided on the role for your finance apprenticeship, it’s time to act. Your first call should be to AAT so you can gain free help and advice.This is the best way to get your apprenticeship programme off to a flying start.AAT can talk with you about suitable qualifications for what you have in mind and how they can be successfully integrated into an apprenticeship programme.We can also help you understand how to make the workplace skills and behaviours apprentices acquire valuable in the context of your business.In addition to this we can advertise your vacancy free of charge on the AAT website to support with talent attraction.Find the right training providerAs you develop a clearer vision of your apprenticeship program, you’ll want to find a training provider who can deliver the apprenticeship for you.This step is crucial, as the relationship with your chosen provider plays a significant role in the success of your apprenticeship program. Look for a provider who aligns with your timescale and specifications, ensuring a seamless and tailored apprenticeship experience for your business.Instead of relying on online directories or random searches, AAT can provide you with a curated list of reputable and reliable training providers based on the specific needs of your organisationScotland-Specific GuidanceFor small businesses based in Scotland, AAT offers additional guidance to help you make informed decisions. You can choose between two types of apprentices: Foundation Apprentices and Modern Apprentices. Foundation Apprentices are typically between 16-18 years old and take their apprenticeship alongside their other school subjects. On the other hand, Modern Apprentices study qualifications while on the job. Understanding the distinctions and advantages of these options will enable you to design a program that perfectly aligns with your specific requirements.SummaryWith AAT’s help, any business – large or small – can unlock the potential of apprenticeships and cultivate a more skilled and productive workforce.You can reach out to AAT’s team to get advice right now. Or if you want more of an overview of starting your first apprenticeship, you can download our free eBook.Free guide – 7 steps to start an apprenticeshipAAT’s free guide to launching an apprenticeship in seven easy steps will walk you through the process, from job description to funding.Download AAT Comment offers news and opinion on the world of business and finance from the Association of Accounting Technicians.