For AAT, it’s more than just business in Botswana

aat comment

Nelsen Mandela once said: “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.”

At Botswana Student Network (BSN), this is something we strongly believe in.

BSN is an information sharing platform that advocates for better education in Botswana. It is a movement driven by young people, who share ideas, opportunities and experiences to ensure the betterment of the entire student community in Botswana.

AAT and BSN have signed a memorandum of understanding to help students ensure they have the soft skills employers want. This is the first partnership between a student network and AAT in Botswana. AAT in Botswana is widely recognised. It is the most common form of professional certification, so the activities proposed by AAT are extremely relevant to the vast majority of our student community.

This partnership not only advances our objectives, but also gives the students we serve a chance to get an international and professional view of issues of employability. It is BSN’s goal to empower those who are less privileged and give them access to opportunities to improve their education and career prospects. We target students from junior and senior secondary schools (both private and public), colleges and tertiary institutions around Botswana. We bring them all together, so they can benefit and learn from each other. This aligns with AAT’s objectives to make financial skills and work opportunities accessible to all.

We also give students access to government bodies and private companies in the development of academic excellence, leadership, career opportunities and social responsibility. It is a great honour to be in partnership with such a highly esteemed organisation that represents so much of Botswana’s student population.

It is also a great relief to know that, for AAT, its involvement is about more than just business in Botswana.

Words and photo: Elizabeth Baitumetse, Chairperson of the national executive committee of BSN.

AAT Comment offers news and opinion on the world of business and finance from the Association of Accounting Technicians.

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