By Paul Coombes AAT newsAAT Stories: the highlights26 Aug 2016 #AATStories – the real faces of AAT, recently launched on Instagram and here is a round-up of the inspirational stories we’ve shared this week…Amy’s anxiety landed her in hospital. Determined to get better, she discovered AAT, and, through blogging, finally found her voice. Wendy had intended to complete Level 2 only but went on to complete all levels and has now launched her own bookkeeping business. If you’re considering following in her footsteps her story offers tips and inspiration. From AAT student to prospective AAT tutor, Phil has gone above and beyond to help his fellow students through their studies via social media, read his story here. Sophie was influenced to follow a career in finance by her Grandpa. Read her story here. Andy was the runner up for AAT Student Of The Year Award at the Training Provide Awards. He decided to change his career to give his family a better quality of life. Find out why here. Paul Coombes is AAT Online Community Executive.