The traits of super students

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1. Super students aren’t afraid to ask questions

It can be difficult to admit that you don’t understand something, particularly if you are studying by distance learning. The best-performing students are able to ask for help if they find something difficult to comprehend.

They will contact tutors straight away and ask questions of others as well.

2. They try to apply their knowledge practically

Super students may not be in a position to apply new knowledge in their day-to-day job, but they will attempt to put it into some sort of real-life context.

This could involve discussing potential scenarios with colleagues, or having a go at creating spreadsheets and documents and filling them in. Voluntary work can also give students an opportunity to apply and cement their learning.

3. They share knowledge with others

Sharing what you’ve learned with another person can help concepts stick. It forces you to process your learning and put it into terms that your friends and family can understand.

An inability to explain what you’ve learned is a sign that you haven’t fully absorbed it. Distance learners can use forums and social media to engage with others.

4. They give themselves deadlines

Deadlines are a great motivator; they commit you to learning everything by that date.

For example, you will need to book your assessments in order to pass a module. By booking them at the start of your course, you will have a purpose to work towards.

5. They go the extra mile

Stand-out students use all the resources available and also spend more time doing practice questions. The best students don’t do the bare minimum.

Insights provided by Catherine Rutter, BPP.

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