By The content team StudentsQuiz – What type of learner are you?12 May 2021 Are you a kinesthetic, auditory or visual learner? Take our quiz to find out!When it comes to learning we all apply a mixture of techniques, although the majority of us tend to have one preferred method. Our learning styles are not fixed but can be defined. The key is to find what works best for you.By recognizing whether you are a visual, auditory or kinesthetic learner, you will be able to incorporate learning techniques better suited to you, making learning more enjoyable.What type of learner are you?Are you a kinesthetic, auditory or visual learner? Take the quiz and find out which type of learner you are and which learning style resonates most with you…Take the quizFurther reading:Study hacks to help you slay your final assessmentStudy tips: Write in a more professional wayHow to learn smarter and faster The content team are the owners of AAT Comment.