By AAT Comment Accountancy resourcesAuto enrolment made easy15 Jan 2015 Get to grips with the new pensions rules with our great 80-second video tutorialYou might have heard about auto-enrolment. It is the new legislation that compels employers to enlist their staff in a pensions scheme – and make a contribution – unless those staff proactively opt out.It’s nothing less than a sea change in pensions policy – and its something that all accounting technicians need to grasp.It’s especially key to MIPs who employ people – as they will themselves be required to comply with the new rules.Check out our new video, which outlines the changes in exchange for just over a minute of your time… For more information on payroll, pensions and more click the image below AAT Comment offers news and opinion on the world of business and finance from the Association of Accounting Technicians.