AAT’s Anti Money Laundering annual report 2023-2024

aat comment

Our latest AML annual report is out now. We hope it’s useful in considering your own firm’s compliance.

Please read our latest Anti-money laundering annual report (PDF) for an overview of our anti-money laundering (AML) supervisory activities for the year.

It includes a summary of our practice assurance review activity, the outcomes of those monitoring reviews, along with the enforcement action and monetary fines imposed on members who fail to meet their legal obligations. This report also summarises our supervisory approach, our most common anti-money laundering (AML) findings, any emerging threats and how we effectively share intelligence.

We expect our members to continually review the resources and guidance provided by AAT to ensure that they are up to date and compliant with the regulations. AML related materials are easily accessible to all our supervised members on the AAT website and our Knowledge Hub. This allows us to proactively increase awareness and promote compliance around the extensive AML requirements.

We hope you find the report useful in considering your own firm’s AML compliance and encourage you to share it with all colleagues and staff.

AAT’s AML helpline

AAT’s AML helpline offers advice for AAT-supervised firms on all aspects of complying with the Money Laundering Regulations, such as advice on how to report suspected illegal activity. To discuss any questions you might have, please email [email protected].

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