By The content team CoronavirusEssential resources on coronavirus (Covid-19)18 Mar 2018 This is a list of useful links to resources, guides and additional information.**Content team notice**Only add LINKS to this article. Commentary and news updates should be proposed to the Content Manager for inclusion on the relevant landing pageHealthSocial distancingForced closure of businessesWHO guidance on getting the workplace ready for Covid-19WHO on infection prevention and controlNumber of coronavirus cases and risk in the UKGovernment coronavirus information guidance for employers, employees and businessesEuropean Commission response including economic and business outlookUK HM Treasury uses Budget to announce support for businesses, individuals and public guidance on filing late with Companies House due to coronavirusUK business supportUK government advice for businessInstitute of Directors offers advice and resourcesCBI works to support businessFederation of Small Businesses (FSB) asks whether the business continuity plan is up to dateInformation on healthcare advice for employers and support for businessesTravel adviceRail emergency measures. travel adviceWHO advice on international travelProtecting the supply chainThree of the Big Four accountancy firms have provided briefings on supply chain disruption:PwCDeloitteEYBusiness impactConsultancies Bain and McKinsey on minimising the impactCAANZ, ACCA strategic partner, with advice including outlook for businessBusiness – supply chain and exportCapital and financial marketsUK Finance Banking and finance industry ready to respond to concern of customersBank of England outlines measures responding to economic shockReport detailing likely effect on banking and capital marketsFinancial Reporting Council issues guidance on audit issues arising from Covid-19, while UK-specific it has broader messagesGeo-political inputKPMG gives a geo-political perspectiveHarvard Business Review reflects on impact including response form Chinese companiesPotential economic impact from Capital EconomicsFor the latest updates on Covid-19, visit our Coronavirus help and information centre. The content team are the owners of AAT Comment.