Could you volunteer as a school governor?

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By volunteering as a governor, your financial expertise could help schools and support the next generation.

Schools across England and Wales need financial knowledge and experience to drive improvement for children and young people. As an AAT member, you could help your local school manage its budget to achieve its strategic vision. 

School governors oversee the financial performance of schools and ensure money is well-spent. Governors do this by playing a part in procurement decisions, capital projects, and staffing costs. Successful financial management at schools ensures viability and growth.

Webinar: Why become a school governor?

Find out how you can take your finance skills back to school by becoming a school governor. Learn more from this free webinar by Governors for Schools..

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Primary schools have approximate budgets of up to £1.2m and secondary schools up to £12m. It is important that spending is well-targeted and ensures schools get value for money.

Your skills in understanding and interpreting financial data, managing budgets, identifying risks, and analysing accounts – as well as your critical eye for detail – will ensure the school spends its budget well.

We’re working to help people like you share your wealth of knowledge. It’s a fantastic way to contribute to the community and help improve educational standards. 

Governors for Schools would like to invite you to an information session to tell you more about the role of a governor and how your skills can positively impact a school board.  In this session, you can learn more about the role of school governor, get insider knowledge on how to apply and find out what you could gain from the experience. 

The webinar will take place from 12:00pm on 28 February 2023 via Zoom.

Cat Hall is AAT Content Editor, members and technical .

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