Unlock your potential: 5 people who found their future with AAT

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Do you want a new career, a better work-life balance or simply to earn more? Here’s how studying AAT helped Stefanie Lilley fulfil her potential.

Stefanie Lilley, student

Then: Unemployed and eager to get back to work
Now:  Equipped with new skillsand ready for a fresh challenge

Having spent a long time out of work, mum-of-three Stefanie Lilley decided to learn something new. Stefanie’s friends, who were working as accountants, drew her attention to AAT. When she researched the jobs market, there were so many part-time roles available that it seemed like the perfect route.

It had been a long time since she had studied, but Stefanie was surprised by how much she enjoyed studying AAT through ICS Learn. “Learning something new was really fun,” she says. “When I passed my first exam, I felt such a sense of achievement. It felt amazing.

“There’s little to lose but much to gain from a new qualification,” she adds. “The increase in pay and job satisfaction will more than make up for the hours spent revising.” Stefanie is currently in the middle of her studies, and has made a conscious decision not to take a job until fully qualified. She has given herself until the end of the year to complete the qualification.

“Setting my goals high and having a tight schedule helps me to push myself harder,” she says. “That’s how I work best.”

Studying while looking after three children is a challenge. How does she make time? “Life is unpredictable and your free time varies wildly,” she says. “I work my studies into my free time, around my children and daily chores.”

Stefanie is excited about the new opportunities that her skills have opened up for her. She wants to encourage others to follow in her footsteps. “After being at home for so many years and not working, I fully embraced the whole experience and I’m so glad I became an AAT student,” she says. “If you’re thinking of a change of career or new challenge, you should just go for it.”

Case study provided by Britta Lowack-Connell, ICS Learn

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AAT Comment offers news and opinion on the world of business and finance from the Association of Accounting Technicians.

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