Top 5 webinars for licensed members

aat comment

Here we’ve handpicked 5 webinars for licensed members from the AAT Future Finance Online conference which ran from 8-11 June. All webinars are free to watch on-demand and are exclusively for AAT members.

1. How to develop a healthy business

Get expert insight from our headline sponsor Xero on the new possibilities and opportunities for finance professionals in 2021 and explore how you can boost your value by making a real, measurable impact on building healthy businesses while maintaining a healthy you.

Watch the healthy business webinar

In this opening keynote, you’ll get key insights from Xero on how to boost your value and build a healthy business.

Register to watch

2. Confidence and decision making

Duncan Brodie, Managing Director at Goals and Achievements and Andi Lonnen, International trainer at the Finance Training Academy talked through the steps that AAT members could take to become better decision-makers.

Webinar: making decisions with confidence

Two seasoned finance professionals take you through the practical steps you can take to become a more confident decision-maker.

Register to watch

3. Guide your own career

Need a little career direction? If you want to move on to bigger, better and more exciting things, then this session is for you.

During this session you’ll learn:

  • how to move out of your comfort zone
  • practical ways to move forward.

Watch the career guide webinar

During this session, you’ll get step-by-step advice on how you can refresh your perspective and break out of your comfort zone to get the career you want and deserve.

Register to watch

4. How client expectations are evolving the accountancy industry

Join this session to hear from Head of Practice Enablement at FreeAgent, Kevin Lord to learn about: 

  • what the small business boom means for your practice 
  • how the gig economy has given way to the passion economy 
  • how the shift in client expectations may renew your passion for supporting small businesses 
  • how to spend less time counting beans and more time providing business and wellbeing advice. 

Watch the client expectations webinar

Big shifts to the economy following a year of unpredicted change have accelerated the speed at which client’s expectations of accountants are changing. There are significant growth opportunities for practices that can evolve to meet these new demands.

Register to watch

5. What’s the future for accountants in the tech revolution

Essential for every accountant who plans to be working in the profession in ten years’ time, this session provides crucial steps in identifying how to future-proof your career.

During this session we’ll also discuss:

  • ‘big data’ and why it has surpassed oil as humanity’s most valuable asset
  • how Artifical, machine learning and big data analytics are being used within the accountancy profession.

Watch the future of accounting webinar

This session explains how and why digital technology is impacting the accountancy profession. It uses the latest institute research to demonstrate how the skills being demanded from accountants are changing and the implications for those of us working in the profession.

Register to watch

Hannah Dolan is AAT Comment’s Content Editor.

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